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Spring design development

Date:2017-12-09 Author: Clicks:

Spring design development

At present, the widely used formulas for calculating spring stress and deformation are deduced from the mechanics of materials. Without some practical experience, it is very difficult to design and manufacture high-precision springs. As design stress increases, much of past experience no longer applies. For example, the spring design stress increases, the helix angle increases, the spring fatigue source will be transferred from the inner side of the coil to the outside. To this end, we must use sophisticated analytical techniques, the current widely used method is the finite element method (FEM). Vehicle suspension spring is characterized by sufficient fatigue life, its permanent deformation is small, that is, anti-relaxation performance within the specified range, or will occur body center of gravity shift. At the same time, we must consider the impact of environmental corrosion on the fatigue life. As the vehicle maintenance period increases, both permanent deformation and fatigue life have been set more stringent requirements, for which we must use high-precision design. The finite element method can predict the influence of spring stress on fatigue life and permanent deformation in detail and can accurately reflect the relationship between the material's fatigue life and permanent deformation.

In recent years, the design method of the finite element method of the spring has been put into practical use. There are many reports of practical value, such as the effect of the helix angle on the spring stress, the relationship between the stress and the fatigue life calculated by the finite element method, and so on. For the same structure of the spring, under the same load, less effective or small helix angle of the wind stress stress, the difference between the two methods result quite large. This is because with the spiral angle increases, coupled with eccentric load, the outer diameter of the spring or lateral deformation larger, so the stress is greater. With the current design and calculation methods can not be accurately reflected, and the finite element method to reflect more accurately. Shanghai spring

In addition, the design of the spring also introduced the optimal design. The structure of the spring is relatively simple, the function is simple, the parameters that affect the structure and performance of the province are variable, so the designer has long been using analytic method, graphic method or graphic analysis method to find the optimal design scheme and has achieved some success. With the development of computing technology, computer optimization of nonlinear programming has been achieved. The company is located in:

Reliability design is a series of analysis and design techniques used to ensure the reliability of the designed product. Its mission is to make the designed product meet the specified reliability target based on the prediction and prevention of possible product failure value. Is a complement to the traditional design methods and improvement. Spring design has made some progress in the use of reliability technology, but further improvement requires the development and accumulation of data. With the development of spring application technology, designers also put forward many new problems needing attention and solution. Such as material, pressure and shot peening fatigue performance and relaxation performance, the design is difficult to accurately calculate; to rely on experimental data to be set; Another example is the current design formula to determine the number of turns, made of spring stiffness than the design Stiffness is small, the need to reduce the effective number of laps, to meet the design requirements. Kunshan car spring

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